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February 2014 Customer of the Month - Town of Natick

The Town of Natick, Massachusetts was first settled in 1651 and later incorporated as a Town in 1781.
Natick’s roughly 16 square miles is home to an estimated 31,975 people and located 15 miles west of Boston.


The Town of Natick started its curbside recycling collection program in 1995. The Town offers curbside refuse and recycling collection services to approximately 63% of their households. The collection service is offered to all 1-4 family households but excludes condominiums. The Town also has a drop off recycling facility which is available to all Natick residents, business, institutions and commercial operations.


The Town of Natick implemented a Pay-As-You-Throw Program on July 1, 2003 after a Town vote and much public discussion. All household trash must be disposed of in special Town supplied blue trash bags available for purchase at retail locations throughout town including supermarkets and convenience stores. Trash must be set out in the specially purchased Town bags or it will not be collected by the Town.

Last year the Contractor for the Town collected approximately 3,400 tons of curbside recyclable materials from approximately 8,200 households, the equivalent of about 800 pounds collected per household served. Currently the Contractor picks up the curbside recyclables every other week on the same day as the trash pickup.

Hits: 2139
June 2013 Customer of the Month - Mike Delprete and Sons

Mike DelPrete and Sons is a local family owned and run company. We have been in business for more that 20 years. Our goal is to provide quality dependable service for all of our customers. We service the south shore of Massachusetts and beyond.
All three of Mike's children Mike Jr., Chris, and Angela are involved in the daily operations of the company. Mike's current location is in Rockland, MA. We have grown over the years and now employ about 30 employees and operate more than 20 trucks.

You can check them out at...http://www.mikedelprete.com

Hits: 1865

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A/J Equipment is PROUD to support and offer "THE PINK CART"

From your trash and recycling haulers to your neighbors and everyone you connect with on your social networks, we want you to tell everyone about Pink Carts and help them turn their streets Pink on trash day. By supporting this, we hope you feel empowered and equipped to advocate this program. Your efforts will help convince your friends, family and your trash and recycling haulers to line the curbs of your neighborhoods with Pink Carts and make an even bigger impact in our efforts to Kick Breast Cancer to the Curb.
Cascade Cart Solutions offers The Pink Cart in three sizes (35-gallon, 64-gallon, and 96-gallon).  Various sizes are offered by A/J Equipment Repair and retail stores across the country and all three sizes are available for purchase. If you have any questions about how to get your Pink Cart, email us at andrew@ajequipmentrepair.com or give us a call at 1-800-354-5623.


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